Western States Rural Transportation Technology Implementers Forum

The Western States Forum is an annual event where implementers of ITS technologies have the opportunity to share technical information on best practices and field deployment experiences with fellow professionals from across the western United States. It can best be described as an engineering practitioner's conference with the goal of providing a forum for high-quality exchange of technical information that can help to support better ITS deployment in rural areas. It is a forum for dynamic discussion of practical and technical issues associated with rural ITS, to promote transferability of solutions and knowledge across the ITS community. Five to six highly interactive technical presentations, ranging in length from 1 to 2 hours each, in-depth equipment demonstrations, and numerous opportunities for networking with peers, are all part of the agenda.

Who should attend?

ITS technology practitioners at the state and local level:

  • Field engineers and maintenance staff
  • Systems integration/networking engineers
  • Wireless/communications technicians


Thank you to all the participants and speakers who helped make the 2024 Forum a success!  Please visit the 2024 Past Forum page to review the agenda, technical presentations, and images from the event.

Check back later this year for information about the 20th Western States Forum in 2025!

The Forum was in the news! Read the article from the Western Transportation Institute’s newsletter on the WTI website’s news page.

The Western States Forum won the 2012 Best of Rural ITS Award for Best New Innovative Product, Service or Application (pdf)! The award was announced during a special presentation of the opening session of the 2012 National Rural ITS Conference held in Biloxi, Mississippi, September 16th-19th.
